Youth Ministry

“51th parallel” •
Summer Camps •
Work with Youth •
Teenagers’ club “Rock” •
About ministry



Hello! We are youth ministry "51st Parallel.” Maybe you ask the question, “What does this name mean?” It's simple. Lutsk (where we are) is located in the geographical latitude of the 51st parallel. Our goal is to reach the youth of our city (our parallel) for Christ through the Word of God.

A few words about our history. Youth ministry has functioned since the foundation of Fimiam Church (and even longer). The church was established on the basis of the youth club.

In 1995, young believers from Central Baptist Church started a Christian youth club in LPZ area. God blessed this ministry and there were many people who received Christ. Then in 1997, a young, but not large, Fimiam Church started.

Since then much has changed: the church grew and so did the youth ministry. Since May 21, 2005, the youth ministry, modified a bit in its structure, has been named “51st Parallel”.


We have three directions of work:

Our structure:

1. Ministry to believers in church
2. Ministry to unbelievers in our area and city
3. Ministry to youth who visit our programs and church services and begin to attend church.


Biblical foundation and purposes of youth ministry "51st Parallel"
What is success in youth ministry? When do you consider your ministry to be a successful one?

We believe that youth ministry is successful when we know our goals and achieve them.

The Bible gives a solid foundation, objectives and principles for building a strong and successful youth ministry (Matthew 22:36-40, Matthew 28:19-20, Ephesians 4:11-13, Acts 2:42-47).

1. Evangelism – "Go ye therefore and teach all nations." We tell the youth of our area and our city about Christ. Young people hear the word of God and give their life to Christ, believing in Him.

2. Worship – "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with your entire mind." Young believers decide to join the church, and see our church worshiping a living God.

3. Community – “were in brotherhood fellowship." Youth are in the church community, are baptized and share the goals, vision and life of the church, becoming part of the church family.

4. Discipleship – “teaching them to obey everything,” “they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching.” Youth grow spiritually and have Bible studies. Youth have a thirst for the Word of God.

5. Ministry – "Love your neighbor as yourself,” “and they sold their possessions and goods, and all of them shared, as anyone had a need." We encourage young people to be living Christians and to serve God and people in every place. Service is their lifestyle.

This is The Bible provides the foundation and objectives of our youth ministry.


Our goals:

Our mission: "Reach the youth from our area, become friends with them in Fimiam Church, and teach them to serve and worship God, thereby producing spiritual maturity"

Our motto: Eyes to God - heart for youth.

Our youth ministry team consists of 11 dedicated, key ministers (not including the volunteers involved in various youth ministry programs)


Our Values
Word of God – the greatest authority and foundation of our life and ministry (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Becoming like Christ in all spheres of life (Romans 8:28)
Relationship of love (John 13:34-35)
Unity in the team, in the church, in ministry, in relationships (Ephesians 4:3, Philippians 2:1-5)
Service to each other and our neighbors (1 Peter 4:10)
Readiness to change (flexibility in programs, styles, techniques, cultural aspects)
Responsibility (loyalty, commitment, dedication) (1 Corinthians 9:19-23)
Personal growth of youth, as well as growth and development of ministry (2 Timothy 2:2)


Fimiam Baptist Church © 2012
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